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Monday, April 28, 2008

Uncle Mike came to visit

Uncle Mike came to play with me this weekend. I had lots of fun following him everywhere around the house! Next weekend I will go see his new house, I wonder if there will be anything in his cupboards for me to empty???
I also like going for walks to the park so I can ride in the swings.

Helping out around the house

Every time Mommy or Daddy opens the dishwasher, I hurry over to try to help out. Someday Mommy and Daddy will show me how much I liked doing the dishes when I was one!

I also like to watch Daddy mow the lawn from our glass doors. Mowing the lawn looks like so much fun!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hanging out

I did lots of things this weekend like help read consumer reports for Aunt Julie so she could find a new car, I took my Mommy and Daddy down the slide at the park in our neighborhood, and of course I found some more things to get into around the house.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ride outside

We had nice weather this weekend so I got to go outside for a few rides in my cozy coupe!

It's Bedtime

Every night before I go to sleep I have storytime. Then I usually lay in my crib to watch my "light-show" on the celing. Now that I can stand up, I prefer to stand up in my crib and dance to the music instead of laying down.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Opening Day 2008

We all put on our Indians clothes for opening Day 2008. This year just Grandpa and Daddy went but maybe next year I will go too!

Chocolate Bunny

This is my yummy chocolate bunny. I wasn't very happy when they took it away from me!